Friday, January 6, 2012

Casey Anthony Video Blog.

First I want to say, I will not be posting the video. If you want to watch it that is your right to do so, that's why we value our freedoms here. I just refuse to help that woman in any way. Anyway the newest in her life, I supposed is that she is now video blogging. According to the CNN story on Casey, she didn't mention Caylee one time on the video. Is it really a surprise that she wouldn't talk about that small little girl?

Rather you agree that she was guilty or not, the fact that she didn't mention her dead daughter is telling of her disregard for the young girl. The death of such a sweet young baby is heartbreaking no matter if it was at the hands of her "parent" or not. No child deserves to die. They haven't had a chance to live their lives yet.

This story; the death of Caylee broke my heart on many levels. First was the fact that she was so young. Secondly, she had grandparents that would have been so happy to take her to raise. The death of this poor little angel also brought up many things that are wrong with our current system for getting information out about missing kids.

I believe that the Amber Alert although a wonderful tool, doesn't go far enough. We need a system that will alert the public the moment law enforcement is notified. I don't think that waiting to make sure a child has been abducted is the right time to release that information. We need to have the information out quickly, within seconds at  least within minutes of police learning of the missing child. Why so soon? That's easy to answer. It is common knowledge that the first few hours after a child's abduction is the most crucial. Usually the child's fate is sealed that quickly.

That important factor doesn't change even when a parent is involved in the abduction. Time is of the utmost essence. As the dispatcher is putting the call out to officers to respond to the scene, the information of a missing child should  be broadcast across as many medians as possible. Radio, television, Amber Alert or the equivalent, cell phone alerts. People listen, we want to know this information so that we may keep a closer eye out for anything suspicious.

Would this have helped little Caylee? Probably not in this case. No one knew she was missing for what was it 30 days? By the time law enforcement was notified, it was sadly too late. We do have nano technology now. How about a small little device that is small enough to pass through an I.V. or even through a syringe. A device that could be inserted into a child, even a newborn that would allow the ability to track our child in the event they were to come up missing.

I'm sure there are those that would say that doing so would be an invasion of privacy. To them I ask; if your child came up missing (I pray that never happens) wouldn't you want some kind of a way to locate them very quickly. Anything to prevent the unthinkable from happening to even one more child. We have the technology to save so many, yet it's not being utilized to the fullest extent possible. It's time we start to protect those that can't protect themselves.

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