Friday, January 20, 2012

10 Year Old Kills 12 Year Old.

Yes it's another case of a child killing a child. This time the suspect is just 10 years old. The victim a 12 year old boy that was the hero of the day. The story as told by CNN:

The 12 year old saw what was about to happen. The 10 year old suspect swung a knife at another little boy. The 12 year old remembering what his parents had taught him, moved in front of the suspect. The victims parents had taught their son, if you see a fight; stop it.

That is just what this hero did by stepping in front of the knife that the suspect was swinging. What his parents taught him may have ended his life; but he died a hero to another little boy.

The suspect in this awful case faces no more than 15 years, he must be released by the time he turns 25 if not sooner. His next court date is February 23rd.

This story is sad all the way around. I'm sure that this 10 year old must feel awful over the fact he killed his friend. I like to think that he wasn't trying to kill anyone. Maybe that is my naive self wanting to believe the best in a child. However, I find it awful to think that he meant harm on another child.

Why are we not teaching our children that violence isn't the answer to life's little arguments? This young child had no business with a knife in the first place. I won't go where a lot of people are going with this case; I will not blame politics or the State of California. I will however place the blame where it belongs on the shoulders of the young 10 year old and his parents.

No one should have died that day. Had this boy not have had a knife in his possession, then this hero would still be alive today. I hope that this boy understands that what he did was wrong and that he ended the life of someone else. There is no excuse to be made here. Killing is wrong and we need to teach kids this.

My heart goes out to all the families involved in this case.

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