Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Iowa "Mom" From Hell

Jackie Burkle lied to her co-workers. She tried to hide the pregnancy from the beginning. Then one day she shows up to work looking completely different. Her co-workers became suspicious and called police. The police took the call serious thank goodness. They went to Jackie's home to investigate the
situation. A blood test revealed that she had in fact recently been pregnant. She admitted to police that she had given birth.

Jackie then proceeded to tell the police where her twin daughters bodies were. That's right, she not only had one newborn but two. She must have been trying to decide what to do with their tiny little bodies, because she had them in the trunk of her car. This "mother"  is 22 years old. She knows right from wrong. She hide the pregnancy the best she  could. She knew it was wrong to not take those precious angels to the hospital.

There isn't any more on this story at this time over at HLN.

This story hits me to the core. Most of you don't know, but in November I miscarried my twin daughters at 11 weeks. I find these stories vile to the core. How in God's name can anyone do anything to hurt a precious baby? How can these "mothers" not feel anything for their babies? How can anyone just stuff a baby's body in the trunk of a car like they are a sack of old clothes?

I do not understand why these babies are being thrown away like yesterdays garbage. There are so many people in this Country that would give everything they have to be able to have a child. How can anyone who was blessed to have been given the precious job of raising a child, just throw that away?

There is something seriously wrong in this country when our young people feel that killing their child is better than raising him or her. There is no excuse at all for this sick depravity to be occurring in this day and age. All 50 States have some form of Safe Haven Law in effect. What more can be done to get the Safe Haven Laws into the public's brains? There must be something that we as a caring society are missing.

Are there signs that we miss that might let us know when a "mother" is about to do harm to her child? Should there be tougher laws when they do harm? What should or what would be the appropriate punishment? Prison time doesn't seem to deter people from committing these crimes. Three meals a day, a place to lay their heads, no bills to pay; doesn't seem to work.

Is the death penalty appropriate in these cases? I can see both sides of the row on this issue. The first side life without parole; would appear to give these monsters the time to reflect on what they have done. However with that being said, do those type of people really have a conscious? Would 50 years of having time to think about their crime, make them see that what they did was wrong and why?

On the other hand, I can see why so many believe that the death penalty  would be fitting in these cases. This is a crime that is the worst offense in my book. Doing harm/killing a child is the most horrific thing anyone can do. Especially when the killer is a "parent".

There must be an end to this trend somewhere on the horizon. What is your take on the death penalty/parole issue when it comes to parents killing their children? Sound off below.

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