Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Those Who Need Help the Most

As of late we have been hearing stories of violence against those that need our help the most, our Country's homeless.

Just recently we heard of a suspect that had stabbed four homeless men to death. His arraignment on four counts of murder will be on Wednesday. He faces a minimum of life in prison without parole. The maximum penalty is a death sentence.His four charges include special circumstances of multiple murders, laying in wait and use of a deadly weapon according to CNN.The District Attorney had this to say, "The fact that the violence was escalating and it was becoming more brazen suggested to me he wasn't done. He appeared to me he liked the press coverage".

His first victim was stabbed more than forty times. According to the DA, the number of stab wounds on each victim increased. The murder weapon of choice was a 7 inch  knife that went through bone without damaging the blade.

Now another story is back in the headlines. The co-founder of a frozen yogart franchise is arrested for the beating of  a homeless man with a tire iron in L.A.He is being charged with one count of assault with a deadly weapon, with a special allegation that the assault caused great bodily injury.The homeless man suffered a broken arm and several cuts to his head. He faces up to seven years in prison. This attack happened on June 15th of 2011 according to the story on CNN.  His arraignment is scheduled for February 6th.

A quick search on Google turns up many news stories on beatings and murders of our Country's homeless population. One such story can be found here, just happened in December of this past year. Where not one but two suspects assaulted a homeless man. The pair even recorded the assault and posted it to YouTube.

There is something seriously wrong in this country when people think that assaulting someone who is already down on their luck is "fun". There is nothing acceptable about this behavior at all. For those that watch these video's, rather they feel sickened by it or not, all they are doing is adding fuel to the fire in people that do these types of crimes.

When a person that commits these type of assaults and then uploads them to YouTube, each new person that views the video, makes the person that did the assault feel "popular". Video's that go viral make these idiots feel important. It's time we stop encouraging these morons. Take a stand, if you see a video like this posted someone online DON'T click to watch it.

Here's an even better idea, report it to YouTube. YouTube has an obligation to turn that video over to police as evidence of a crime. If they don't, they should be charged as an accessory after the fact. Furthermore, these offenders should be held more responsible than than they have been in the past.

We all ask quite often what is this world coming to. Well, when you don't raise children correctly this is the type of thing  that happens. I am not by any means saying that the offenders are just youth. They are not, but if people raised their children to respect others we wouldn't be seeing youth and adults doing this type of demeaning horrible violence.

I remember growing up knowing that if I didn't show respect I would get my ass kicked by my mother. I remember being told that I better not start a fight, but if someone started one with me I better kick their ass. Now, I have taught my children respect everyone. It doesn't matter if someone has the same beliefs as you, or if they are the same as you. They are a person just like you. You are no better than anyone else.
What makes a person good, is how they are on the inside. You can't look at anyone and know if they are like you, so you better treat them as if they are you.

Stop making people think there is a difference in other people. There isn't. We are all the same on the inside. We all bleed, we all feel pain. We all are just trying to live our lives the best way we can. There are those among us that have had a hard life. They should not be looked down upon for that hard life. Instead we should look up to them and try our best to learn what they have to teach us.

Respect... it goes a long way.

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