Hello and Welcome.
My name is Betty, I started this Blog as a personal challenge. I needed to see if I was able to do one thing the same day in and day out for an entire year. I'll look to each of you to help keep me on track. So a little about me.
I am 37 years old (turning 38 in 2012) and a mother of four daughters and one son. My oldest daughter is now 19 and lives away from home. My son lives in another state as well. That leaves three daughters that try their best to keep mom busy. I will be getting married this year to my favorite Soldier and best friend. Our lives are pretty ordinary I suppose. Being attached to the Military as an Army spouse has taught me one thing, MORE patience.
For the most part, I lead a fairly boring life. However it is my life and I couldn't be happier. I am a stay at home mom most of the time. On occasions I do decide I need time away from home and will search out a way to spend time doing the one thing I love. That is I find a way to work with people, I love working with the public as a whole.
This year my focus is on working with other Military families. As the war looms on, more and more families are being touched in some way by it. Those families all need our support and appreciation, they all sacrifice so much. As much as what our troops sacrifice for our freedoms, so do their families. We give up our comfort of family, we stand strong behind our soldier's no matter the branch they are in.
So, I guess that's about all about me. I'm an Army soon to be wife, a mom, and a practicing writer. I say practicing because I'm still learning how to effectively get my thoughts conveyed to others. As you can tell I am not one that can put my thoughts eloquently onto paper or screen. I'm just me and I write as I feel things. They may not come out with large words that have part of an audience reaching for a dictionary. I feel like I can get my point across without all that, I write (or type) in words that I use daily. If that is plain to simple for my readers, I apologize for not living up to the standard of most writers. However I do not apologize for being me, it is who I am.
Feel free to comment away on my posts, or hit me up in email if you would rather contact me that way.