This story was posted on CNN on December 31st, 2011. I ran across it a few days ago and decided it would make a good blog post. The following is the story:
A couple in Arizona are in custody after duct taping their kids hands, feet and mouths then posting photos of said taping onto Facebook. The children in this story are just 2 and 10 months old. The 2 year old is the couples son and the 10 month old is a baby girl. In one photo the young boy was seen hanging upside down by his taped feet from an exercise machine.
A friend saw the photos and called the child abuse hotline (thank you to this friend). The parents are 20 and 19. The "mother" told investigators that the photos were "all in fun". She stated the children were unharmed and smiling after the photos were taken.
The Sheriff's department said that there was clearly fear in those tiny faces in the photos. Police have not released the photos stating that they are too disturbing. The mother said the reason the baby girl appeared to be crying in the photos was because she had gotten her immunizations that day. The children were placed in the custody of their grandparents.
Just last week another man; this one from Chicago had been charged after posting a photo of his 22 month old with painters tape across her mouth and around her wrists and ankles. He thought apparently that it was appropriate as punishment for the child trying to hit him back.
I have many questions regarding these "parents" and their thought process or lack thereof. I'll start with the story of the Chicago man. First with his statement that, "This is wut happens wen my baby hits me back." What in the hell was he hitting this precious baby for anyway to make her hit him BACK? How is a tiny baby hitting you justifying you taping hands, feet and mouth? Where did you learn how to parent? How many times have you done this or something similar to this that was not publicized?
Now for the Arizona couple in the first part of the story. Did you run across this Chicago man's profile and think it was okay to do since he had? Did you really think it was funny to tape your children up like they were a package you were sending out to someone? My main question is this; how have you kept your son for two years with your obvious lack of parenting skills? How many times have you "had fun"at your children's expense?
There is no way on Earth that any of these babies thought it was fun or were they smiling about it. Duct tape hurts when removed from skin, it's meant to hold not release. The police saying there was clearly fear in the faces of those little angels, pisses me off to the highest degree. Of course there was fear in their faces, they were scared about what "mommy and daddy" were going to do. Parents are supposed to love their children and protect them with their own lives. Parents aren't supposed to be the ones inflicting pain on their children.
What in the world is this society coming to when parents are obviously harming those that are the future of this great country? We hear these types of cases all too often now. Another "parent" hurting, abusing, and worse killing their children. We need to take one case and show every future "parent" that if you harm your child in any way this is what will happen to you. Then we need to make the punishment fit the crime. To hell with punishments that are inhumane. Were these "parents" humane when they hurt, tortured, or killed their babies? Hell no they weren't. Why should society treat them better than they treated their children?
I know there are those that believe that we have no right to judge because we aren't god. Guess what? You hurt a child in this or any country, I can tell you; you don't believe in God. If you did, you wouldn't have hurt a child. God certainly does not say to go forth and procreate so that you can kill that creation.
Children are the future of this country and this world as a whole. When we harm a child we instill in them that abuse is okay; it's NOT. Stop hurting children people. It's not rocket science here. It's common sense, get some and try it.
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